A Slice of Second Saturday
Posted on August 15, 2010 – 5:24 PM | by Bella QHere’s a slice of some street shots taken yesterday in Midtown on Art Second Saturday in the heart of the hub-bub, on J-L Streets.
Photo credit: Bella Q
Here’s a slice of some street shots taken yesterday in Midtown on Art Second Saturday in the heart of the hub-bub, on J-L Streets.
Photo credit: Bella Q
8 Responses to “A Slice of Second Saturday”
By mike flanagan on Aug 16, 2010 | Reply
Where’s all the crime and choas?
The real 2nd Sat.
Why not show the dark sides of public drunkeness and police turning a blind eye. Where’s the fights?
Our citys art walk has become a crime haven and the issues furthers each month as we the art lovers and locals continue to ignore it.
Now that’s a real story for you.
By OldManFoster on Aug 16, 2010 | Reply
Hi Mike,
Good timing – I know that SNR editor Nick Miller had a mirror broken on his car this past Saturday. It is certainly a lot busier than other nights, but in the three years I’ve been covering Second Saturdays I’ve never encountered any fights or other crime other than litter and noise past 10PM.
But, my experience is only anecdotal – do you have the stats on the crime rate on Second Saturday vs. other Saturday nights in Midtown?
Anyone else have personal experience one way or the other?
By Bella Q on Aug 16, 2010 | Reply
Crime haven? Well, I guess it’s good to know that hooligans can appreciate Artful Saturdays too. My personal experience on a Second Saturday hasn’t encountered police blind eyes, nor public drunkeness or crime havens. Perhaps I was too busy looking at the art and enjoying the people watching to notice. -Bella Q
By heckasac on Aug 16, 2010 | Reply
the only real danger is that you might have to listen to horrible jam bands.
By OldManFoster on Aug 16, 2010 | Reply
So true. There was an brain-crushingly awful white dude reggae jam band going off at 23rd and S around 6PM this past Saturday. I was enjoying the rest of the stuff there (corsetry and bicycle shop open houses plus Michele Whitnack’s art show) but had to leave as I felt IQ points being drained away.
By pistol on Aug 16, 2010 | Reply
or how bout the fact that it isnt even an art walk anymore? its more of a drunken shitfest with street vendors selling vinyl belts and crappy tshirts… and enough already with the robot dog hahahahha… plus there are way too many crappy bands way too close to one another to be able to appreciate how bad they really are… i say everybody in midtown gets together and heads up to roseville and gets wasted in their streets and leaves tons of trash behind and walk past all their bedroom windows at 1am yelling like a girls gone wild chick on spring break… ok, done ranting
By mateo on Aug 17, 2010 | Reply
i’m a downtown resident, and have been going to second saturday for the last few years. whoever is calling it a crime wave is basically retarded. i’ve lived in various cities around the world and have never been anywhere as safe and unthreatening as sacramento. midtown is fun, and convenient, and pretty, but it is not scary, it is not cosmopolitan and it is very hostile to culture. if it wasn’t for second saturday downtown and midtown would well and truly dry up and die.
By Bella Q on Aug 17, 2010 | Reply
No need to insult retards, Mateo, sheesh. I agree with you however, about Sactown comparing favorably well to other towns in regards to crime rates, one should be alert as crime does exist everywhere, but I haven’t witness a so-called wave of it, unless you call mixing mom jeans with white pumps and too much self-tanning lotion a crime. As for Midtown shivelling up, rest assured the flavorful culture that is the grid is alive and well, with or without the deluge of Second Saturday revelers.