Archive for March 20th, 2011

Anti-Asian Video Creator is from Fair Oaks!

This just in: Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA poli-sci major who posted a now-infamous anti-asian rant that went viral on youtube last week is from Sacramento. Fair Oaks, actually. Great.

So, let’s see… the month started out with a nationally-known white supremacist leader being gunned down in his home in Citrus Heights, and then, for a mid-month pick-me-up, we get pegged as the hometown of a moronic xenophobe. Maybe John Galliano will announce a move to Carmichael to cap off the month.

Ms Wallace’ video, if you haven’t seen it, isn’t of the kill-em-all-let-god-sort-em-out type… It’s more the musing of an incredibly entitled, insensitive, and deeply ignorant ditz who thought now was a good time to have fun with the Japanese Tsunami, among other things. Starting off with a statement that her friends know that she’s not ‘politically correct,’ she launches into her take on the trouble with UCLA’s asian population, replete with every asian racial stereotype short of impersonating a sumo wrestler.

One of her complaints about asian students was their lack of manners- and she used the example of a Japanese student who kept answering his phone in the library since he was trying to find out what had happened to his family after the earthquake. (What an asshole!) How ironic, then that Ms Wallace is fast on her way to becoming the poster-girl of the ill-mannered All American churl.

Funny that she opened her comments with a dig against political correctness, which, after all is simply another way of saying ‘good manners.’ Being ‘PC’ is nothing more than applying the rules of good manners to a person or group who was formerly considered unworthy of such treatment.

UCLA, to its credit, did nothing to punish her for the comments. Wallace realized she’d stepped in it pretty quickly, and announced to no one’s surprise that she was leaving school immediately on her own. Freedom of speech has to protect morons like Alexandra Wallace – it’s up to our society to decide who we’ll give our ears to.